General Hux is a bit of a dark (pun absolutely intended) horse going into Star Wars: The Last Jedi. (opens in new tab) Rightly or wrongly, we’re all focused on Snoke, Kylo Ren, and whether either Luke or Rey will turn bad, but this guy’s been around the evil block – and then some. So, what next for the galaxy’s scariest redhead?
For one thing, the rivalry with Kylo Ren is going to be at the forefront of the General’s plans, as he looks to vie for attention from Snoke, like a baby brother who’s been overshadowed by his older, better-looking sibling who can move things with his mind.
Domhnall Gleeson, while speaking to Screen Rant (opens in new tab), reveals that “Hux wants to be at the top and he wants to get the crown from Snoke, and he knows that Kylo Ren’s probably in a better position to get that.”
It’s not just a simple rivalry, though. Far from it. It’s easy to forget that 99.9% of people in the galaxy can’t use the Force, and that’s where the majority of Hux’s jealousy comes from, as he explains, “I think this fear and hatred… I think he’s a big freaked out by all the magic stuff. I think that’s where he’s [at] with him, you know?”
Don’t take your eye off this guy. He may not have the wherewithal to shoot lightning out of his hands or throw a cup of coffee across the room when he’s had a tantrum, but he’s definitely playing the long game. As we all know, there’s nothing scarier than someone who puts politics and power before anything else. If that speech in Star Wars: The Force Awakens (opens in new tab) is anything to go by, we could be looking at the Big Bad come Star Wars 9 (opens in new tab)…
For more (cheerful, hopefully) Star Wars: The Last Jedi news, check out the space horses in the new Chinese trailer for the movie (opens in new tab), as well as a look at whether we’re getting deleted scenes in Star Wars 8. (opens in new tab)
Image: Lucasfilm