Destiny: Xur weapons, gear, and location, June 17 – 19. Thunderlord!

Xur, Destiny (opens in new tab)’s weekend trader, master Mongolian throat singer, and weekend frequenter of greasy biker bars, is back. This week he’s in the Tower, in the Vanguard Hall to be precise. ‘But what’s he selling?’, you might ask. ‘These things. These things right here’, I would tell you. 

  • Helm of Inmost Light (Exotic Titan helmet) – 13 Strange Coins 
  • Radiant Dance Machines (Exotic Hunter boots) – 13 Strange Coins  
  • The Impossible Machines (Exotic Warlock gauntlets) – 13 Strange Coins
  • Thunderlord (Exotic machine gun) – 17 Strange Coins  
  • Legacy Engram (Chest armour engram) – 31 Strange Coins 

What’s good this week? Quite a bit, actually, but mainly Thunderlord. Thunderlord, you see, is a great big machine gun that fires electric bullets. Sometimes those bullets make their target explode. Also, on the grand Destiny machine gun spectrum, Thunderlord sits way down at the ‘slow, but hits like a train’ end. ie. Where all the cool kids live. It is good. If you do not have a good Exotic machine gun, you should think about buying it. Needless to say, it will tear through a blue shield like wet tissue paper hung on a meathook, grabbed at by tiny, eager children.  

As for armour? Also some pretty good stuff there. The Helm of Inmost Light gives a nice boost to Fist of Havoc, extending your leaping range when using it, and making it more accurate. Great for body-sniping people from way further away than they’re expecting. The Radiant Dance Machines add a speed buff when aiming down the sights, which is obviously a great boon in the Crucible, but also facilitates much more mobile play when sniping and using rocket launchers at range. 

And The Impossible Machines, while not the most exciting Stormcaller Exotic (opens in new tab), are pretty damn handy if you’re looking to put together a medium-range, area-of-effect damage build. You see, it gives you Landfall – the skill tree perk that drops a huge bolt of lightning when you activate your super – for free, meaning that you can combine it with the otherwise locked off Superconductor, which doubles the range of your chain lightning. 

As ever, Xur will be around until 10am UK / 2am PT on Sunday, so get in, get your stuff, and get out again, before he disappears for another week, ripping away all in the vicinity upon the activation of his soul-searing Hell portal.  

About Fox

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