Xur is once again back for weekend business in Destiny (opens in new tab) like a tentacle-faced pop up shop. This weekend he’s mixing things up as much as he knows how and has appeared in The Reef for some exchange of Exotics for Strange Coins. No, he doesn’t take contactless payment, stop asking. Here’s what’s on sale for the next three days:
• Mk. 44 Stand Asides (Exotic Titan Leg Armour) – 13 Strange Coins
• Bones of Eao (Exotic Hunter Leg Armour) – 13 Strange Coins
• The Ram (Exotic Warlock Helmet) – 13 Strange Coins
• The 4th Horseman (Exotic Shotgun) – 17 Strange Coins
• Legacy Engram (Chest Armour) – 29 Strange Coins
• Three of Coins – 7 Strange Coins
• Glass Needle – 3 Strange Coins
So do you want the good news, or the good news? I’m not sure anyone can describe the joys of The 4th Horseman as well as our own Xur stalker Dave Houghton. “Ah crap, there goes the Crucible… The newly-upgraded year two version of The 4th Horseman is an absolute beast of a close-range PvP weapon. Comprising four barrels, it can – somehow – fire five rounds, and do so on full-auto. The upshot? This thing puts out an insane amount of damage in a deliriously short amount of time. Just hold the trigger, and whatever’s in front of you will die.”
“It’s not the easiest thing to control, what with five shotgun rounds coming out pretty much all at once, but if you can tame it, you’ll have a small apocalypse in your hands. Needless to say, it’s a killer emergency solution during tough PvE fights as well, facilitating last-ditch rushdown tactics on even the most stubborn majors (and sometimes ultras).”
Other highlights include The Ram helmet for Warlocks. This adds Life Drain – the Voidwalker perk that refills a sizeable slice of health upon every special melee – to every single melee, charged or not. Bones of Eao are slightly less exciting. While they’ll add an extra jump to your Hunter’s double jump, there’s not many times you’ll actually want to add this instead of equipping a more exciting Exotic to your set up. The Mk. 44 Stand Asides suffer from the same problem, merely increasing the duration of your Titan’s Shoulder Charge from 5 seconds to 8 seconds. Hmm. Can do better, Xur.
As ever, the purveyor of goods will be around until 10am UK / 2am PT on Sunday, at which point he’ll whisk himself away for another week.