Cyberpunk 2077 length: How long does it take to beat the game?

One big question surrounding the most anticipated game of all time is how long is Cyberpunk 2077. The timeframe to complete Cyberpunk 2077 and its length will affect many people’s decision on whether to buy the game or not. Some are looking for a 100+ hour epic that will occupy them for weeks, whereas others are keen for the Cyberpunk 2077 length to be a shorter game they can bash out in a weekend. We’ve got all the answers on how long is Cyberpunk 2077, so read on for all you need to know, completely spoiler free.

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How long is Cyberpunk 2077?

Cyberpunk 2077 length

(Image credit: CD Projekt Red)

As is the case with any game, it’s impossible to say the Cyberpunk 2077 length is exactly a specific amount of time, because everyone’s experience will be different. We’ve completely beaten the game though, so can give some estimates for how long you’ll spend playing as V and exploring Night City.

If you only want to play the main missions and absolutely nothing else, you can breeze through the story in about 15-20 hours. You’ll miss out on most of the game this way and a lot of important aspects that tie in to the main story – which means you won’t get the best ending – but you can beat the game this way.

If your intention is to play through the main story, plus most of the important side stuff, you’ll be looking at slightly over double that time – likely 45-50 hours. This way, you’re not 100%ing the game and clearing every single icon off the map, but you will have explored all the major narrative arcs and your decisions will determine the ending you get.

Finally, if you want to find everything, complete all gigs and side missions, buy all the vehicles and upgrades, and fully max out your character level, you can expect to spend maybe 80-100 hours in Cyberpunk 2077. Of course, this is determined by your skill level and the difficulty you play on, but we reckon that’s about right for the average player. If you do play this way, you’ll be set for the DLC and expansions that are bound to come out soon, but it is a huge undertaking. Good luck!

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